A college deferment or leave of absence may hold your scholarship up to five semesters/32 months. Acceptable reasons to defer your scholarship and admission status include, but are not limited to: an illness or accident preventing enrollment, military service or church service. You must submit an online form which is found at Deferment Application. For medical withdrawal information, please contact our ADA office at (435) 283-7321.
The Badger Tracks Scholarship can be renewed as long as you are a full-time student at Snow College taking at least 15 credit hours and maintain a cumulative Snow College GPA of at least 3.0.
Yes, every Snow College academic scholarship is available to full-time students in any of Snow College’s programs: Bachelor, Associate, Applied Associate or Certificate. Additionally, students who plan to enroll in a CTE program or have participated in the Concurrent Enrollment program at Snow College may also apply for Activity / Departmental / Diversity and Private Scholarships.
Twelve Snow College concurrent enrollment credits with an average GPA of 3.0 or higher in those classes. ACT scores and high school GPA are not criteria used to determine eligibility for this scholarship.
You can visit DegreeWorks which is located inside Badger Web on the Student tab. DegreeWorks will show you all Snow the courses you have completed, the Snow courses you are enrolled in and your Snow College cumulative GPA. If you see anything which does not look right to you, contact your Academic Advisor as soon as possible. DegreeWorks will also show your progress toward your selected academic goal at Snow College.
If you are still registering for concurrent enrollment classes, talk with your Snow College Concurrent Enrollment Academic Advisor (Bree, Christi or Petra). When you come to Snow College, you can visit the Student Success Office on either the Ephraim or Richfield campus. Another way to see which courses you need is by visiting DegreeWorks.
The answer is “It depends on the type of scholarship.” Tuition waivers can be “academic” awards (such as Presidential, Excellence, Dean, Badger Tracks, Honors, or Concurrent Enrollment Badger Tracks Scholarship) or for participation in an “activity” (such as Band, Debate, Leadership, PLT, Athletics, etc.). If the scholarship is an "academic tuition waiver scholarship" then you can only receive one award. If the scholarship is an “activity tuition waiver scholarship”, then it may be combined with the Badger Tracks scholarship up to the amount of full tuition for that semester. In addition, students may qualify for private scholarships on top of any “tuition or activity waiver scholarships”. Tuition waivers can be combined with private funds with a few limitations. Any outside/additional scholarships awarded to students outside of Snow College may be stackable (depending on outside agency/organization/business criteria’s). You can find extra scholarship information at iin3d.com/scholarships.
The Concurrent Enrollment Badger Tracks Scholarship is for Utah residents only who have earned Concurrent Enrollment credits while enrolled in a Utah high school.
Tuition waivers are generally used for fall and spring semesters. However, if your circumstances are such that attending summer semester is an important part of your academic plan, then please contact the Snow College Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.