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Why Internships?

Why Internships?Having internships on your resume sets you a level above the rest. They allow you to build your social network, gain in-field experience, grow and test your knowledge, and learn soft skills that speak volumes to future employers.

Here are 10 reasons why internships are important to students:

1.    Build your resume- Your resume gains a lot when you put an internship on there. This experience stands out to almost all employers.

2.    Experience matters- Many employers look at your hands-on experience and how you’ve grown beyond the classroom theory.

3.    Learn workplace professionalism- You interact in the workplace and see the culture of that field. You see how to act, build relations, and the leadership structure.

4.    Get professional feedback- You will get feedback on things to improve on, or things you do well from professionals in your field on a daily basis.

5.    Learn from others- Working side-by-side with others that have much more experience than you can create important learning opportunities.

6.    Classroom meets the Real World- You take what you learned in the classroom to the real world and test what you actually know.

7.    Gaining experience- Working short-term in the field gives you experience to keep moving forward and gain the experience needed for a full-time position.

8.    Grow your social network- You get to know people who know people. Social networks can lead to future job opportunities and references.

9.    Learn your likes and dislikes- Working hands on allows you to determine if you actually like something or not. If not, you can move on without negative consequences.

10.  Learn soft skills- Soft skills such as leadership, task management, or teamwork are best learned on the job and are great skills for getting that full-time position.

            Internships of all kinds provide a way to get your career path started. They are a quick way to get your feet on the ground and get noticed. To get started on finding an internship for you, check out the Career Center's link at